
Hacking the 24 hour body clock

Whatever hours you keep, and how many times you cross time zones, you can't change your physiology. You are always…

Fighting Fit: The Wartime Battle for Britain’s Health

Rebecca Wallersteiner reviews ‘Fighting Fit’ a new World War II Medical History Book, by medical historian Laura Dawes - which…

Making a good impression

How would you respond to an interview request from the BBC Radio Four flagship breakfast programme Today –  especially if…

Prep to work abroad

Pre-planning is vital if you want to work abroad as a medic in a humanitarian role. You can just pick…

Grown up time-out

I absolutely loved being an expedition doctor. The first time I realised how many opportunities there were for medics who wanted…

Old ways are best

Traditional cures have been used for hundreds of years to ease aches and pains, reduce inflammation and even get rid of…

Speeding through life

We live in a fast-moving world. Somehow we never have enough time to eat properly, sleep for long enough, talk…

‘Wounded: Conflict, Casualties and Care’

On 29th June, a new exhibition ‘Wounded: Conflict, Casualties and Care’ opened at the Science Museum, London marking the 100th…

Micro fitness for doctors

Micro-exercising has become a popular way for people who are hard pressed for time to increase their cardiovascular fitness. Busy doctors…

Doctors need to toughen up

Doctors and healthcare workers need to accept that they are at risk of being sued or having a complaint made…

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