
Why you need to throw snowballs with your kids

We know from previous studies that primary school children with a higher body mass index are likely to have poorer…

Tell me a story: how to fall asleep

There is a paradox to sleep in that it comes when you are not trying; but unfortunately, too many people…

The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries

The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries sounds like some relic of a bygone time. But this City of London livery society…

Doctors Burning Out

New research led by George Lewith, Professor of Health Research at the University of Southampton suggests doctors’ burnout should be…

Doctors need empathy

Empathy in clinical practice is an essential component of the doctor-patient relationship. This is the understanding of how another human…

No good deed will go unpunished

In the latest Tom Hanks movie, Pilot Sully was a hero as he landed the aircraft on the Hudson River,…

The NHS is bracing itself for the toughest winter in a decade

Not only is it treating more patients than ever before, but A&E performance in the UK has slumped to a…

To fetch out the fire: reviving London 1666

A doctor’s eye view of the great fire of London: 350 years ago: Battling with Flames, the plague and noxious…

How to stay calm at Christmas

Christmas is one of the most eagerly awaited events in the whole year, but for many people, Yuletide cheer comes…

Back from the brink

I’ve been resuscitated three times in my life. As a nurse, I’ve attended countless resuscitation attempts. I’ve also attempted to…

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