
Avoid eye injuries on Bonfire night

Fireworks can burn at a temperature of over 1000 degrees centigrade – hot enough to melt gold. Think what they…

Witchcraft in Exeter

I grew up in Exeter, and - like J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels, who attended University there…

Happy Halloween!

BOO! The Things That Scare Us - Mysteries & Horror Month On BRITISH PATHÉ (OCTOBER 2015): Newsreels of the Week:…

Bonfire night safety tips

Stay safe this weekend with safety advice from Fireman Sam https://youtu.be/5x_87tg8fmw

Samhainophobia – top 10 Halloween phobias

Ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night – Halloween is nearly here! For some people this…

Its that time again

Daylight Saving Time: First you gain an hour, then you lose it. Twice a year, at night, the clocks are…

Wear it pink

Earlier this year, hundreds of woman came together in solidarity, donning their pink wigs, to raise money for breast cancer…

Sleep to slim

Getting a better night's sleep could help you stay slim or lose excess weight. That's the premise of a new…

Keeping bones strong and healthy

Learn more about keeping bones strong and healthy with this animation, voiced by the National Osteoporosis Society's Ambassador Miriam Margolyes.…

Make up tutorials from Look Good Feel Better

Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is the only international cancer support charity that helps women and teenagers manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.…

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