
Ideal gifts for someone in hospital

What's the ideal gift to bring someone who is in hospital? Hospitals can be very tedious places for patients and…

Why morning exercise is best

People choose to exercise at different times of day for different reasons - a lunchtime workout may fit into your…

Dry January to help beat breast cancer

When it comes to breast cancer risk, there is no safe limit for drinking alcohol, although the risk is linear…

Cold water swimming isn’t just for New Year

If you were one of the thousands who started New Year with a dip in the chilly waters of the…

Feel fabulous on 1st of February

February the 1st. Never a great day. Grim. Grey. But this year could be different... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtADyBlswJI  

Lose the scales when losing weight

Losing weight is quite a battle. It requires an endless amount of discipline, both in the kitchen and in the…

Why do 5 million people sign up for Dry January?

Why do five million people every year decide to take part in Dry January? There are a number of reasons…

Teenagers and festive social media

If your teenage relatives have spent the festive period glued to their digital devices, you are not alone. More than…

Leftovers can be good for you

Boxing day has arrived and we can all look forward to eating leftovers for the next few days. Take heart…

The 12 Days of NHS Choices Christmas

Christmas is the season of giving and goodwill and NHS Digital has trawled through the analytics of NHS Choices over…

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