
Better surgery for landmine victims

Landmines are a deadly legacy of many past and present conflicts and still kill around 15-20,000 people around the world every…

Alleviating pain and suffering

My job is to help reduce the pain that comes when the body starts to wear out, both as a…

Pioneering lung study in Salford

Take one city, 233,900 inhabitants, 3000 trained healthcare professionals and study facilitators and 235 million rows of data, and you have…

The body’s chemical factory

The human body is host to around 1.5 kg of microbes. In fact, the number of bacterial cells in your…

Saying goodbye to paper records

The challenge of making data and personal medical information available to individual patients and clinicians in a secure timely way…

Big Data and asthma

Millions of people suffer from asthma which is now recognised as a syndrome rather than a single disease.  However, we lack…

Next generation dreaming

As someone who has watched a close relative go through the experience of receiving chemotherapy, it is not something that…

How can mobile technology contribute to the improvement of health in Africa?

At the start of my internship, a 16-year-old girl was brought into the emergency room; she was in a coma.…

Robots have bottoms too

“Our team of scientists at Imperial College, London have developed a robotic rectum to help doctors and nurses detect prostate cancer.…

A smiley face app to combat IBS

Smiley yellow faces are not just for emojis. We decided to use this familiar symbol on our new app to…

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