
Digital Sepsis Monitoring System Helps Save Lives and Improves Care

The introduction of a digital alert system to monitor patients with sepsis has led to a reduction in deaths and…

Can Thermal Imaging Detect Breast Cancer?

If Bal Gill had not chosen to visit the Camera Obscura and World of Illusions at Edinburgh’s Royal Mile earlier…

Bionic Pacemaker Slows Progression of Heart Failure

Using brain circuits made in silicon, scientists have alleviated symptoms of heart failure by reinstating the body’s natural heart rhythm.…

PainNoFilter : Charity Marks World Arthritis Day

18 million people in the UK have arthritis or a related condition Half (57%) experience pain every day; eight in…

Light Activated Metal Catalyst Destroys Cancer Cells’ Vital Energy Source

New Iridium compounds effective towards killing cancer cells even without the presence of oxygen – expanding the range of tumours…

Your Hearing is Precious – Here’s How to Protect It

Once it’s gone – it’s gone. If you lose your hearing you can’t get it back. So, it’s important to…

Charity Launched to Support Separation of Conjoined Twins Following Landmark Surgery in London

Gemini Untwined will fund treatment and further our understanding of craniopagus conjoined children around the world Launch follows successful separation…

The Future of Precision Surgery

Healthcare has been notoriously slow to harness the huge technological advancements we have witnessed in the last 25 years. Indeed,…

AI reveals new breast cancer types that respond differently to treatment

Revelations could personalise treatment, including picking out those likely to benefit from immunotherapy Scientists have used artificial intelligence to recognise…

Innovative Mental Health Portal The Mind Map Launches

A new mental health portal www.themindmap.co.uk will launch on Wednesday 3 July 2019. This innovative new platform focuses on providing…

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