
Impact of cost-of-living crisis on the obesity epidemic

A leading nutrition researcher has warned of the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on the obesity epidemic, in a new…

Genetic signature of precursor to liver cancer

Curtin researchers map genetic signature of precursor to liver cancer: Researchers at Curtin University have identified the genetic signature of…

Microscopic colitis on the rise in the UK

National charity Guts UK highlights the growing number of microscopic colitis cases in the UK. The charity has raised concerns…

Reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases

Naturally occurring immunopeptide may tackle the ‘root cause’ of obesity-related conditions: Research shows that an immunopeptide called PEPITEM could provide…

Game changing tech investment

Multi-million-pound investment for University spinout to adapt 'game-changing' technology for Lyme disease and diabetes. The team who devised ground-breaking technology…

Suicide prevention apps lack expertise

Suicide prevention apps lack input from those with experience, according to new study: The vast majority of online suicide prevention…

Sepsis study to power new antibiotic discoveries

Sepsis study to power new antibiotic discoveries: University of Queensland researchers have led a national study on the four main…

Rise in potentially fatal infection due to global warming

Scientists warn of rise in potentially fatal bacterial infection due to global warming. Continued warming of the climate would see a…

What do the kidneys do and what is kidney disease?

Kidneys are essential. Kidneys are crucial. Kidneys are vital. Find out what they do and what happens when they stop…

Further illnesses still expected from SARS-CoV-2

SARS-CoV-2: Only neutralising antibodies allow conclusions to be drawn about protection against new infections: Mutations of virus and illnesses caused by…

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