Heart & Lung
The Heart & Lung section explores heart and lung health, covering topics like personal lung cancer experiences, WHO’s anti-smoking strategies, heart attack awareness in women, and hypertension’s impact. It also highlights technological advancements in heart failure detection, strategies to reduce stroke risk, and the role of vitamin D in preventing atrial fibrillation. This section emphasizes the importance of comprehensive health awareness and innovative treatments in heart and lung care.

Merry Christmas without asthma

Air pollution cancels out exercise health benefits

Treatments for headaches and migraines

Why we support more tax on diesel

Wesleyan RSM Trainee of the Year: Dr Akilhesh Jha

Wesleyan RSM Trainee of the Year 2017 Finalist: Dr Iqbal Singh Toor

Identify patients with Atrial Fibrillation

Low phosphate impacts heart health

Late preterm birth could increase risk of heart disease

Drug ‘melts away’ fat inside arteries