Heart & Lung

Low phosphate impacts heart health

Low phosphate in the blood is linked to the risk of heart attack and coronary artery disease, a new study…

Late preterm birth could increase risk of heart disease

Preterm births at 35 weeks could lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in adult life than those born…

Drug ‘melts away’ fat inside arteries

A new drug being trialled for treating breast cancer and diabetes has been shown to ‘melt away’ the fat inside…

GPs should deal with heart rhythm problems

Dr Matt Fay is a speaker at the Heart Rhythm Congress which is held this week in Birmingham, England. When…

Why You Should Attend Heart Rhythm Congress

Hear from Arrhythmia Alliance President and world-renowned arrhythmia expert Professor A John Camm as to why you should attend the…

Why follow the Pioppi diet?

The Mediterranean diet focuses on healthy fats, unrefined carbohydrates, legumes, nuts and copious amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean…

Would you use a public access defibrillator?

All around the country - in health centres, schools and even old phone boxes - public access defibrillators are being…

Marfan syndrome often missed

Over 18,000 people are affected by Marfan syndrome in the UK but only around half of those actually know they…

A crisis in care for people with lung disease

People who are dying from interstitial lung disease are wasting the precious time they have left finding their way around…

Tired all the time? It may be sleep apnoea

If you’re tired all the time, you might not merely be working hard, you may have serious underlying medical condition…

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