Heart & Lung

Heart risk of high protein diets

For middle-aged men, eating higher amounts of protein was associated with a slightly elevated risk for heart failure than those…

Intensity better than counting steps

We are all now encouraged to count our steps - 10,000 a day being the recommended goal - but health…

Take Fainting to Heart

Our message this World Heart Rhythm Week (4-10 June) is Take Fainting to Heart – there is no such thing…

Insomnia likely effect of stroke

Stroke patients experience sustained problems with insomnia potentially reducing their ability to relearn key skills and putting them at increased…

Smoking directly damages muscles

Not only is smoking bad for your lungs, but new research shows that components in cigarette smoke directly damages your…

Hands as diagnostic tools

Human hands are vastly more sophisticated than is necessary for survival. Each has 27 bones and is controlled by 35…

Better way to deliver cardiac stem cell treatment

New research published in The Journal of Physiology has indicated a potential new stem cell treatment following a heart attack,…

Injections to treat high cholesterol

A new treatment delivered as a regular injection could help patients with high cholesterol levels to reduce their risk of…

Don’t delay treatment for venous ulcers

Venous ulcers, which are more common in the elderly, should be treated with varicose surgery soon after they occur, according…

Safe marathon running

The exceptional April heatwave has meant that the London Marathon organisers have said runners are not to come in fancy…

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