Heart & Lung

ECMO Proto Device fights Covid-19

Shandong University Researchers Develop ECMO Proto Device in Aid of Fighting COVID-19. After the COVID-19 outbreak, the name ECMO (Extracorporeal…

$6.5 million for research project on cardiovascular disease

Christoph Binder, Professor of Atherosclerosis Research at MedUni Vienna, is to coordinate an international research network investigating the role of…

Diet and activity reduces cholesterol in kids

New study shows that dietary and physical activity intervention reduces LDL cholesterol level in children. An individualised and family-based physical…

Over half of smokers in England want to quit for COVID

Over half (53%) of current smokers with lung conditions were planning to quit smoking due to COVID -19 in May,…

Heart Failure & COVID-19

https://youtu.be/09wVxttj_GM World Heart Rhythm Week will be held from 1 - 7 June. Learn more in this video interview between…

Fire service instructors’: Limit exposures to 9 per month

New research published in Experimental Physiology suggests that fire service instructors are at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases due to…

World Heart Rhythm Week 2020

ARRHYTHMIA ALLIANCE ANNOUNCES WORLD HEART RHYTHM WEEK 1 - 7 JUNE 2020. World Heart Rhythm Week, the brainchild of Arrhythmia…

A female partner may be key to successful weight loss in men

The key to successful weight loss for men is women when they live with a female partner, a new study…

Europe’s first lung transplant on Covid-19 patient

Europe's first lung transplant on coronavirus patient is carried out by MedUni Vienna/Vienna General Hospital. Last week, the Department of…

Covid-19 impact on blood cancer patients receiving stem cell transplants

A new study will look at how patients, who receive stem cell transplants for blood cancers and blood disorders, react…

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