Global Reach

A robust new virus

Human parvovirus 4, ‘PARV4’, is a tiny, robust DNA virus. In the decade since it was first reported – the…

Pioneering mobile health (mHealth) in Africa: a nurses perspective from Malawi

If you visit Malawi, in south-east Africa, you will find a warm, sunny climate and a welcoming, friendly people who…

Why Hepatitis B Isn’t On Its Way Out (Yet)

Is hepatitis B infection a problem that will gradually fizzle out over time? On initial reflection, it is easy to…

Health for all in developing countries

The Hope of Universal Health Coverage for People in Developing Countries. What would you do if you were detained in…

Handing (Back) Over the Pen

Handing (Back) Over the Pen: Afghan Women's Experiences of Gender Based Violence (GBV) Violence and trauma refer to experiences, rather…

Vlog: Search and rescue in the Mediterranean

https://youtu.be/EhYhvtuZp8w Ed Taylor is working on board the MV Aquarius, a search and rescue ship run by SOS Mediterranee in…

FEAST – five years on

'Back in 2011, my research team published the results of the largest trial of critically ill children ever undertaken in Africa…

What medics learn from climbing mountains | Sundeep Dhillon | TEDxLondon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-YzAIIu1OI   What do Mount Everest and an intensive care ward have in common? Sundeep Dhillon reveals what the medical…

How can mobile technology contribute to the improvement of health in Africa?

At the start of my internship, a 16-year-old girl was brought into the emergency room; she was in a coma.…

Monitoring food security data through mobile technology

In rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Africa’s second largest country with vast fertile lands and thousands…

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