Global Reach

Physiology – questions from the frontline

Physiology experts respond to questions from coronavirus frontline on new forum. Frontline clinicians treating coronavirus patients can now gain access…

WHO statement on COVID-19 vaccine

On the 13th April, the WHO made a public statement for collaboration on COVID-19 vaccine development. On 31 December 2019,…

Covid-19 cases top 10,000 in Africa

Brazzaville/ Cairo, 7 April 2019 – The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Africa has risen to more than 10…

COVID-19 Intensive Care Triage Protocol

Dr Daniel Sokol, a leading bioethicist and medical lawyer, has published an Intensive Care Unit triage protocol to help clinicians…

Discharge criteria from ECDC – COVID-19

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ECDC has reviewed the criteria to be considered when deciding whether a…

Pilot phase – rapid Covid-19 test

Monash University researchers are developing a Covid-19 test to rapidly diagnose active virus infection within an hour: The pilot study…

Material errors in Covid-19 modelling

Material errors in Covid-19 modelling exist because they underestimate the epidemic's peak and overestimate its duration. Many of the models…

Pop-up tent to protect NHS staff

Innovative ‘pop-up tent’ could be latest line of defence for frontline NHS staff treating patients with COVID-19 A disposable plastic…

Online support hub for post-COVID breathlessness

Charities launch online support hub for people with post-COVID breathlessness Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation have launched a…

Wearing a face mask could protect vulnerable against Coronavirus

Wearing a face mask in shared public spaces could protect vulnerable people against Coronavirus. Due to the rapid-response nature of…

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