First Aid

12 First Aid Myths Debunked!

12 First Aid Myths Debunked! - Being confident in your first aid knowledge is essential for knowing how to help…

Learn First Aid – A New Years Resolution

Learn First Aid - A New Years Resolution - As the new year kicks off, everyone is once again talking…

How to Have a Pet-Friendly Christmas

How to Have a Pet-Friendly Christmas - While Christmas is an exciting time of year for the family, it can…

Road Accidents and How to Help Safely

Road Accidents and How to Help Safely - Whether you walk, cycle or drive a motorbike or car, road safety…

High blood pressure and how to reduce it

High blood pressure or hypertension is often an underlying condition, closely associated with serious health issues such as heart attacks…

Strokes: How to spot them and what to do

Strokes occur when blood flow in the brain is interrupted by a blockage or bleed in one of the blood…

Why the Recovery Position Saves Lives

Why is the recovery postion so important when someone is unconscious? Putting someone in the recovery position ensures that their…

Festivals – The ultimate survival guide

Whether you are a first-time festival goer or a seasoned pro following these guidelines to staying safe at festivals will…

Everything you need to know about heat exhaustion

Hot summer days can be lovely, providing you have the opportunity to enjoy them and are able to cool down…

What bit me? The ultimate guide to bites

Everyone has suffered from those incredibly itchy bites and stings that keep you awake at night. Although some people may…

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