First aid for a drowning adult, baby or child

Always supervise children near water, they can drown in just a couple of centimetres. Drowning can happen quickly and quietly…

Dr Google Will See You Now

Dr Google Will See You Now: Over two thirds of UK patients seek medical advice online due to long delays…

Epilepsy Action campaign film receives media applause

A film to raise awareness of how to support a person having an epileptic seizure is receiving positive media attention…

“The need in Syria is astonishing”

We’ve just returned from northwest Syria after training 35 local doctors to surgically treat complex wounds caused by the earthquake…

The dangers of swallowing things

The dangers of swallowing things: While some objects swallowed can pass straight through there are many occasions where this does…

First aid skills all parents should know

First aid skills all parents should know:  Making sure your child is safe can feel like a full-time job but…

Nose bleeds and head injuries

Children often have nose bleeds. They can be a result of warm weather or exercise, which dilate the small blood…

Over four million gardeners putting their hearing at risk

Tinnitus UK is calling for gardeners to protect their ears when mowing the lawn, trimming hedges or using power tools…

Everyday noise exposure a “major public health issue”

Everyday Noise Exposure a "Major Public Health Issue": Experts call for more awareness over the impact of noise exposure –…

Social drinker or alcohol dependent?

Are you a social drinker or alcohol dependent? Alcohol is relatively safe in moderation, but when a person drinks in…

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