Exploring innovative cancer research and treatments, highlighting the latest developments in cancer therapy and research. It encompasses diverse topics including new support centres, upskilling doctors for cervical cancer screening, breakthroughs in metastatic breast cancer, and pioneering studies on deadly cancers. Additionally, it delves into the broader impact of cancer treatments on patient wellness, like cognitive impairments in survivors and menopause onset, while also exploring alternative therapies and novel technologies for early diagnosis and treatment, such as robotics and medicines derived from unique sources. This holistic approach underscores the multifaceted nature of cancer care and research.

And Life Goes On

The Continued Evolution of Prostate Cancer Screening

UK Mouth Cancer Rates Hit Record High

Rise in Liver Cancer Diagnoses in UK Driven by Alcohol and Obesity

Inaugural London Global Cancer Week

New Evolution-busting Drug Overcomes Resistance in Aggressive Breast Cancers

Gut Bacteria “Fingerprint” Predicts Radiotherapy Side Effects

Olaparib Outperforms Targeted Hormone Therapy in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer

Light Activated Metal Catalyst Destroys Cancer Cells’ Vital Energy Source

Precision Medicine for Children with Cancer