
New deep learning challenge to estimate breast density from mammograms

A new deep learning challenge has been launched by the UEF Cancer AI research team at the University of Eastern…

Boost for new cancer support centre in Cardiff

Plans for a new cancer support centre in Cardiff have been given a £1 million boost, thanks to the generosity…

Syrian doctors upskilled to screen and treat women with cervical cancer

Dr Saladin Sawan, Consultant Surgeon in Gynaecological Oncology and one of our faculty trainers, recently returned from a surgical mission…

Breast cancer survivors: new training to treat ‘chemo-brain’

Breast cancer survivors: new training to treat 'chemo-brain': A form of computerised attention and memory training can improve impaired attention…

Pioneering projects into one of the deadliest forms of cancer

Leukaemia UK has today announced that it will channel £600,000 into four new research projects, each aimed at finding kinder,…

Memorial sculpture honouring mesothelioma patients in the Armed Forces unveiled

A major stone sculpture honouring all serving and veteran members of the British Armed Forces with the asbestos-related cancer, mesothelioma,…

Breakthrough in metastatic breast cancer research

Breakthrough in the fight against resistance in metastatic breast cancer research: A team of researchers at the Medical University of…

Scientists reverse drug resistance in prostate cancer

Prostate cancer’s resistance to treatment can be reversed in some patients by stopping hijacked white blood cells from being ‘pulled…

First acupuncture clinic for cancer patients

The first acupuncture clinic dedicated to helping patients deal with the aftereffects of cancer treatment opens in London on 12…

Potential genetic screening for aggressive melanoma

Potential genetic screening for aggressive melanoma: Researchers from The University of Queensland and The Alfred hospital in Melbourne have identified…

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