
Drug thwarts the growth of solid tumours

By stimulating a patient’s immune system, a drug already in use to treat a blood disorder can thwart the growth…

Pancreatic cancer research

https://youtu.be/HJcB3HkkM3I The third Thursday of November is World Pancreatic Cancer Day – so in 2020 that's 19th November. On this day people across…

Prostate cancer treatment under pressure

The sheer number of men being diagnosed with prostate cancer – 47,000 men were diagnosed with the disease in 2015…

Purple Alert for pancreatic cancer

Over a third of adults in the UK would not be worried if they had a few of the potential…

Thermotherapy breakthrough in cancer treatment

Thermotherapy (using heat) has long been used as a treatment method for cancer, but it is difficult to treat patients…

Cancer treatments giving false hope

‘A significant number of cancer treatments may have no benefit over existing treatments or a placebo,’ remarked a senior cancer…

Breast cancer – the latest advances

For many people, October represents cosy jumpers, falling leaves and a plethora of pumpkins. But for Breast Cancer Now, October…

Wear it pink

Earlier this year, hundreds of woman came together in solidarity, donning their pink wigs, to raise money for breast cancer…

Setting the record straight on breast cancer risk

When it comes to the risk factors for breast cancer, there are a lot of myths to cloud the facts.…

Make up tutorials from Look Good Feel Better

Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is the only international cancer support charity that helps women and teenagers manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.…

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