All Creatures

COVID-19 detection dogs in training

Our Royal Patron, HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, was among the first in the world to see some of our…

Venom from honeybees kills breast cancer cells

Venom from honeybees found to kill aggressive breast cancer cells –  in new Australian research from the Harry Perkins Institute…

Among the trees

Among the trees: an exhibition of work by 37 international artists at London’s Hayward Gallery this autumn celebrates the healing…

What bit me? Ultimate guide to bites and stings

Everyone has suffered from that incredibly itchy bite that keeps you awake at night. Although some people seem far more…

Mosquito Stowaways

Tracking The Movement Of Mosquito Stowaways:  Dengue mosquitoes and tiger mosquitoes pose a range of challenges to global health, but…

New smartphone game lets you solve real-world ecological puzzles

Imperial researchers have developed a new ecosystem-building game where players learn about and contribute to vital environmental research. EcoBuilder, which…

Dogs: How to introduce face masks

Facial coverings during lockdown could make our dogs feel confused and concerned as they can’t read human facial expressions or…

Engineered antibodies from llamas neutralise COVID-19 virus

Antibodies derived from llamas have been shown to neutralise the SARS-CoV-2 virus in lab tests, UK researchers announced today. Llamas,…

Bees’ Needs Week is 13th-17th July 2020

https://youtu.be/2wtktAjeLB4 Bees and other pollinators are vital to growing lots of our favourite foods and for plants to flourish in…

UN Report – preventing the next pandemic

Unite human, animal and environmental health to prevent the next pandemic  according to newly published UN Report. COVID-19 is just…

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