Alzheimer’s & Dementia
Exploring the complexities of ageing, and offering a comprehensive look at health, wellness, and social care for elderly populations. It delves into mental and cognitive health, support for dementia patients, the impact of menopause, advancements in biological ageing measurement, technology for elder safety, and health challenges during pandemics. It also emphasises the importance of caregiving, physical activities, and creative engagements like poetry for the elderly, reflecting the wide range of medical and social aspects of ageing.

Tired all the time? It may be sleep apnoea

All about cystitis

Statins reduce deaths from heart disease

Menopause too early to give up on sex life

Sightsavers – protect your eyes from the sun

Could pain killers be hiding arthritis?

Dog walking to ward off decline

Menopause misery for millions

What’s in a smile?

Alzheimer’s disease facts and figures