Alzheimer’s & Dementia

5 myths about age and ageism

Age is just a number: the 5 biggest myths about ageism that must be removed after searches for discrimination support…

Too much sleep puts seniors at risk of dementia

Nina Ranken explores how too much sleep puts seniors at risk of Dementia: Sleep is just as important as diet…

The Bionics Institute depression trial for dementia

The Bionics Institute is preparing to launch a world-first clinical research trial to investigate whether a treatment for depression could…

Strategy to tackle ‘Early Exiters’ from the workforce

Demos publishes new report in collaboration with The Physiological Society and the Centre for Ageing Better, Understanding 'Early Exiters', which…

Plan to improve safety of healthcare

Plan to improve safety of healthcare for thousands: A team of researchers has won £5.8m in funding to improve healthcare…

World Singing Day: How Singing Can Help Those Living with Dementia

World Singing Day: How Singing Can Help Those Living with Dementia: From looking after your lung health to promoting social…

Back pain programme has lasting results

Taking control of back pain offers long-lasting results with ‘Back in Shape’ programme: writing exclusively for the Hippocratic Post, Consultant…

One in three Alzheimer’s carers has persistent symptoms of depression

One in three Alzheimer's disease family caregivers has persistent symptoms of depression: More than 60% of family caregivers of individuals…

Crucial 12 week window to avoid chronic back pain

Experts identify 12 week ‘window’ crucial to avoiding chronic back pain. Raising awareness this Back Care Awareness Week, 3-7 October…

Dementia diagnosis could be fast-tracked with AI

Dementia diagnosis could be fast-tracked using artificial intelligence: Different forms of dementia could be spotted sooner and more easily by…

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