Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Patient-centred care does not improve quality of life

Patients who are involved in the planning and delivery of their care for multiple conditions say that they are more…

New diagnostic tests could save NHS billions

Research commissioned by Innovate UK and the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA) reveals that the NHS could save over…

National plan needed for lung disease

Pulmonary rehabilitation is very effective at helping people with lung disease improve their quality of life. Multiple studies show that…

Shocking findings of Bishop Jones’s review

It is deeply shocking to read the conclusions of Bishop James Jones’s review, that the lives of hundreds of people…

Breathe Easy Week

Breathe Easy Week is the annual awareness event, focusing on lung health. It takes place from 18 - 24 June 2018. Each year,…

Heart risk of high protein diets

For middle-aged men, eating higher amounts of protein was associated with a slightly elevated risk for heart failure than those…

Intensity better than counting steps

We are all now encouraged to count our steps - 10,000 a day being the recommended goal - but health…

Take Fainting to Heart

Our message this World Heart Rhythm Week (4-10 June) is Take Fainting to Heart – there is no such thing…

Insomnia likely effect of stroke

Stroke patients experience sustained problems with insomnia potentially reducing their ability to relearn key skills and putting them at increased…

Drinking alcohol – do the maths

We all need to do the maths when it comes to drinking alcohol, according to a new study. Nearly half…

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