Alzheimer’s & Dementia

Falls in care homes can be significantly reduced with intervention

The largest study of care homes in the UK, led by experts at the University of Nottingham, has found that…

De-cluttering may not help people with dementia

A clutter-free environment may not help people with dementia carry out daily tasks – according to a new study from…

Exposing inequities in life expectancy

Exposing inequities in life expectancy : a surge in people dying in their own homes is ‘deeply worrying,’ risking a…

Top Five Chores Proven to Stave Off Dementia

Fran Vandelli, Dementia Lead at Bupa Care Services gives advice on the  Top Five Chores Proven to Stave Off Dementia.…

Magic bullet treatment targets leukaemia

Magic bullet treatment targets leukaemia: Researchers have made a huge leap forward in finding a targeted therapy for acute myeloid…

Bone mineral density decreases less than expected after menopause

Bone mineral density at the femoral neck bone in postmenopausal women decreased by an average of 10% during a 25-year…

New study finds dairy foods reduce fractures in aged-care residents

Researchers have found the addition of dairy foods into the daily diet of aged-care residents can reduce fractures and falls,…

Life expectancy declining in many English communities

A substantial number of English communities experienced a decline in life expectancy from 2010-2019, Imperial College London researchers have found.…

World Arthritis Day: a nurse answers your questions

On World Arthritis Day, Bupa Nurse Kerry John answers your most-Googled questions about Arthritis for the Hippocratic Post. Kerry John…

EULAR: World Arthritis Day is 12 October

World Arthritis Day, referred to as WAD, is a global awareness day held every year on 12 October. WAD aims…

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