Categories: Cancer

UK oesophageal cancer rate is higher than most of Europe

Action Against Heartburn is drawing attention to alarming statistics that reveal the UK oesophageal cancer rate is higher than most of Europe.

According to recent data from Digestive Cancers Europe, analysed by Action Against Heartburn for Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month, the UK’s incidence of this often fatal disease surpasses that of almost all European countries, underscoring the urgent need for increased awareness, research, and support for those affected.

The data shows that the UK has 14.2 cases of oesophageal cancer per 100,000 people compared to 3.5 in Italy, 4.4 in Spain, 7.0 in France and 7.7 in Germany. The highest rate is the Netherlands which is only slightly worse than the UK at 14.9 cases per 100,000 people.

Oesophageal cancer affects the food pipe connecting the throat to the stomach. There are around 9,200 new cases diagnosed in the UK each year and the causes are often unclear, but sometimes can be related to lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, or being overweight. It is often diagnosed in the advanced stages due to vague initial symptoms, leading to poor outcomes for patients.

Fewer than 20% of people diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in the UK will survive their cancer for more than 5 years.

Jill Clark, Chair of Action Against Heartburn, said:

“Oesophageal cancer is a serious problem in the UK and it needs to be addressed urgently. This data shows that UK incidence is over double that of France and four times higher than Italy.

“Early detection can save lives so it’s crucial that everyone knows the signs and the importance of seeking medical help.

“One of the common symptoms of oesophageal cancer is persistent heartburn. If you have heartburn on a daily basis, or if you continually have to take over-the-counter medication to relieve heartburn, you should see your GP to get a diagnosis of the underlying causes.”

Dr Sheraz Markar, professor at the University of Oxford and consultant oesophago-gastric surgeon at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust said:

“Oesophageal cancer is a relatively uncommon cancer worldwide but incidence in the UK is disproportionately high and we’re seeing a rise in cases in the under 50s. The reasons for this are unclear but could be down to lifestyle factors such as an unhealthy diet, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

“A major risk factor is persistent acid reflux, or heartburn, as well as Barrett’s Oesophagus which is a condition where the cells lining the oesophagus have become damaged from stomach acid.

“In the UK oesophageal cancer is sadly, often diagnosed once it has advanced or spread which makes it more difficult to treat, but there are good treatment options if it is caught early. In addition to heartburn, the symptoms to look out for are difficulties swallowing, unexplained weight loss, ongoing indigestion and feeling or being sick.”

Rachel Edge, a nurse from Bolton, was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in 2022 at the age of 38. She said:

“I was extremely lucky that my cancer was caught early so I was able to have treatment. I was diagnosed with Barrett’s Oesophagus when I was 17 so I’d had an endoscopy every two years since then to look for cell changes. I nearly didn’t go to my appointment in 2022 because I was a student nurse and was busy and I was feeling completely fine. Luckily I went because the camera picked up abnormalities.

“I had a biopsy which resulted in the discovery of a 1.7cm tumour in my oesophagus. It was a terrible shock. What followed was a traumatic nine-hour surgery, involving the removal of two thirds of my stomach and two ribs, and weeks of chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. My spleen ruptured during surgery but my amazing surgeons saved my life.

“I now have 150 staples in my stomach and 98 in my back. I’m on high-dose medication to manage the pain and I struggle with fatigue while trying to work as a district nurse and be a mum to my two young children. I’m also still suffering from the psychological impact of my diagnosis but overall I feel lucky that my cancer was caught in the early stages and I’m still alive.”

Action Against Heartburn is dedicated to raising awareness of the connection between chronic heartburn and oesophageal cancer, urging individuals to seek medical advice if they experience persistent symptoms.

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