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Momentous decision to offer boys HPV vaccine

The decision to offer boys a vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has just been announced by Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

The Oral Health Foundation  believes the decision, which has been under consideration since 2013, will lead to many lives being saved due to the vaccination’s ability to prevent HPV related mouth cancer, as well as other life-threatening diseases.

Under the current programme almost 400,000 boys go unvaccinated every year, which has millions at risk of developing HPV related cancers later in life – cancers which are on the increase.

This decision has been an incredibly long time coming and one we firmly believe it will be a significant moment in the ongoing battle against many types of cancer in the UK.

This decision has been an incredibly long time coming and one we firmly believe it will be a significant moment in the ongoing battle against many types of cancer in the UK.

This decision brings to and end what has been a dangerously discriminatory and unfair vaccination programme in Britain which has left millions of boys and men unprotected from the biggest sexually transmitted infection in the world.

HPV is one of the leading causes of mouth cancer; but now we hope that with the swift implementation of the vaccination programme we will see a significant reduction in these numbers.

Since 2008, girls have been offered a HPV vaccination through a school based programme to protect against cervical cancer, but this has been proven to offer little protection for men from life-threatening diseases caused by HPV; including mouth, penile and anal cancers as well as genital warts.

Since 2008, girls have been offered a HPV vaccination through a school based programme to protect against cervical cancer, but this has been proven to offer little protection for men from life-threatening diseases caused by HPV; including mouth, penile and anal cancers as well as genital warts.

Every year more than 7,500 Brits are diagnosed with mouth cancer, with the disease claiming in excess of 2,000 lives – more than testicular and cervical cancer combined.

There has also been overwhelming support for the vaccine from health professionals and public alike.

A recent poll from campaign group HPV Action discovered that 97% of dentists and 94% of GPs believe that the national HPV vaccination programme should cover both boys and girls, we have also seen roughly 84% of the public support an extended vaccination programme.

It has become very apparent that the only certain way to protect boys effectively from HPV is through a national vaccination programme and now this has finally come to fruition we will push for it to be implemented swiftly and effectively so we can ensure that it is most effective in saving lives in the future.”

Dr Nigel Carter
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Chris Exley
Chris Exley
6 years ago

I have read through this brief post several times and I have struggled to find any reference to any peer-reviewed scientific study showing that the HPV vaccine provides protection against cancer of the mouth. It would be helpful if the author could provide this evidence. The possible benefits of HPV vaccination should be compared with the known incidence of serious adverse events which is reported as 2.3% by the vaccine manufacturers, information which is included on the patient information leaflet provided with the vaccine. The manufacturers accept that for every 1 million vaccinated against HPV at least 23,000 (in this… Read more »

6 years ago

Vaccines are poorly tested, if indeed tested at all. And yet this experiment is to be practised on children with goodness knows what outcomes for health or fertility in the name of what? A disease which is not as common as claimed and where it is, has more to do with sex habits and promiscuity than anything else. How can anyone of sane mind believe that a toxic cocktail of disease and chemicals, designed to confuse the immune function into acting unnaturally, believe that this can contribute to good health? At what point does common sense intervene to counter profit… Read more »

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