Dr Rajendra Sharma

Dr Rajendra Sharma is a fully qualified doctor registered with the GMC. He has for 30 years, since leaving the NHS, run a private practice in Integrated Medicine (IM) in London.

Diet and its effect on Autism

How may diet and nutrition benefit those with Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? I see a considerable number of…

Food allergies in children and leaky gut

Food allergies can arise at any time of life but those arising in childhood and can become lifelong. There is…

Functional medicine: treating depression

The conventional therapeutic approach to dealing with a problem like depression is to wait for the problem to set in…

An integrative approach to ME

ME is not a very useful term. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis derives from Ancient Greek. Myalgic meaning painful muscles and fibres and…

Defending ourselves from antibiotic resistance

The antibiotic group of medication has undoubtedly been responsible for relieving suffering and saving more lives than any other collective…

Defending ourselves from antibiotic resistance

The antibiotic group of medication has undoubtedly been responsible for relieving suffering and saving more lives than any other collective…

A conventional and complementary practice

There are only a handful of doctors like me in the UK – dually trained in conventional and complementary medical…

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