Emma Hammett

Diabetes facts

Diabetes facts: One in 15 people in the UK have diabetes. This includes one million people who have Type 2…

Allergy auto-injectors – a guide

Anaphylaxis and adrenaline auto-injectors a comprehensive guide: Anaphylaxis is an extremely severe allergic reaction. Reactions usually begin within minutes and…

Building resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances without it taking too large an impact on our mental well-being.…

Supporting your children through exam season

Anxiety UK claim that 1 in 6 young people experience anxiety. At no time is this stress felt more than…

Choking prevention and first aid

Choking prevention and first aid: As Easter approaches and supermarket aisles fill with brightly foil wrapped chocolate eggs, a heart…

The difference between choking and gagging

Is My Baby Choking? The difference between choking and gagging and how to help. Weaning your baby from breast milk…

Best advice for burns

Burns are extremely common, painful and potentially life-changing injuries. Burns frequently become infected and scarring from burns is often disfiguring…

Heart attack – what you need to know

Heart attack - what you need to know: Around 80,000 people are admitted to hospital following a heart attack. The…

First aid: Recovery position


5 emergency tips & techniques to save your dog’s life

5 emergency tips & techniques to save your dog’s life: Emma Hammett of First Aid for Pets and First Aid…

Diabetes in pets

Just like humans, it’s possible for pets to get diabetes. It can affect cats and dog and can show up in…

Sudden cardiac arrest in the young

Sudden cardiac arrest in the young and the simple screening to avoid them: Cardiac arrest doesn’t only happen to old people.…

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