Dr Stella Compton-Dickinson

Dr Stella Compton-Dickinson is a London-based Health and Care Profession council registered music therapist, accredited supervisor, professional oboist and lecturer, UK Council for Psychotherapy registered Cognitive Analytic Therapist and Supervisor. She is author of The Clinician’s Guide to Forensic Music Therapy (Jessica Kingsley Publishers), and has her own private practice and twenty years' experience in the National Health Service as a Clinician, Head of Arts Therapies and Clinical Research Lead her research was awarded the 2016 Ruskin Medal for the most impactful doctoral research.

Performing arts in community NHS treatment

What do we mean by the use of performing arts in community NHS treatment? In a previous article  for the…

Dealing with fear of terrorism and death

With the constant threat of terrorism, people may feel fearful about death when going about their business. Sudden death of…

Music therapy in clinical settings

Music therapy is not widely known amongst healthcare professionals but it is widely used in clinical settings, often alongside conventional…

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